Since the above was written, we find that the proprietors
and editors of unstamped periodicals, at a meeting held on Thursday, determined on petitioning Parliament for the repeal of the News- paper-duty. This is consistent. Another of their resolutions will hardly be acceptable to a worthy contemporary and neighbour of ours- " In order to show the comprehensive and odious character of the News- paper Acts, and add to the public feeling against them, it was resolved—That Mr. Judge be requested by this meeting -to lay an information against the publisher of the _Literary Gazette, for publishing that work without a stamp." "Mr. Judge," the report adds, "stated, that upon public grounds—without any reference to private or pecuniary considerations—he would willingly undertake the task. He trusted that if a conviction were obtained against the publisher of the Literary Gazette and against the publishers and printers of such other works as it might be deemed necessary to proceed against, it would be the means of causing those obnoxious laws to be repealed."
We trust it will; and if our worthy contemporary must be mar- tyred, he will have the satisfaction of suffering for the general good.