7 APRIL 1832, Page 15


MANAGERS, like rival coquettes, are ever bent on playing off their attractions against each other. A play (we can hardly call it new),. named The Compact, was produced at Drury Lane, also on Thurs- day, and also with full success. The story runs thus. The Arch- bishop of Grenada being waylaid by banditti, is robbed in so gen tee a manner by their captain, Juan Ravagos, that he is struck with, instead of by, the robber, especially on his craving a bene • diction ; and on learning his story, the good-natured old man pro- mises to intercede with the King for his pardon, on condition that he robs no more ; and Ravages pledges his honour to the compact. In the mean time, he falls in with many temptations and dangers, which he overcomes; but after all, the King refuses his pardon. Ravages, however, is in possession of the proofs of the innocence of a certain Corregidor, the fugitive heir of a noble family, against whom sentence of death had been recorded for the imputed crime of murder, and who discovers himself in order to save the life of a rascal, who had assumed his name without being aware of the im- pending sentence upon its owner. In consideration of Ravagos's having been the means of saving the life of the innocent Corre- gidor, the King grants the old Archbishop's request, and the bandit is pardoned. There is also an underplot, turning upon the attempted abduction of a girl, of whom the Corregidor proves to be the brother.

These materials are not very new ; but the author, Mr. Pi. ANCHE, has ingeniously wrought them up, with good dramatic tact, into a tolerably interesting play. FARREN, as the simple Archbishop, developed what little character the part possessed; and his meek, amiable, subdued manner, told very effectively. WAn- • LACK was the bandit, —the part of a brigand has become a second self with him ; and his brother, H. WALLACK, as a scoundrel thief, did justice on his character. HARLEY, as a silly, servile, bribe-taking Alcalde, and Mrs. HUMBY, as a waiting-maid, fur. nished a good share of' the amusement, at little expense to the author. There is a King Carlos the Third,—obstinate, impatient, and fond of hunting,—whom Mrs. Humnr• takes for a farmer, and addresses accordingly ; while the audience marvel to think how she can make such a mistake, and are impatient to witness her hysterics on finding it out. There were some allusions to the Church of Spain, which the audience, feeling their universality, applied to one nearer home. The dialogue, especially in the early scenes, is neat and epigrammatic; and there is no lack of incident.

Altogether, the piece deserved its success, and, with a little cur- tailment, will be popular.