The vignetteembellishments of the Fourth Volume of Byron's Works are
by HARDING. The titlepage has a distant view of the Coliseum at Rome ; and the frontispiece a scene in the Wengen Alps, with a beautifully picturesque foreground. This view is from a sketch by HGLLMANDEL ; whose outline memoranda of Continental Scenery are a store of wealth to the artist, on account of their fidelity, aild the " skill with which he has seized upon the most picturesque points of view.
The Waverley Novels are approaching to a close. Volume X X X V.; containing the first of Redgauntlet, is cleverly, yet tamely illustrated by FitAsEa. The vignette by INsicire, we cannot admire : the boy's face has not the right expression.
The embellishments of COOPER'S Pioneers, by FARRIER, are pretty designs, in a different style from what we have lately seen by this artist. The ladies, however, do not seem much alarmed, nor need they be, at so comical a tiger. Roscoe's Novelists' Library, No. X., contains GOLDSMITH'S delightful story of the Vicar Of Wakefield, and SMOLLETT'S Sir Launcelot Greoves. A portrait of Goldsmith, in which the peculiarities of his uncouth physiognomy are certainly not diminished, and four humorous designs by CRUIKSHANK, make up a good six shillings worth. The party at Farmer Flamborough's, interrupted at a game of hunt-the- - slipper by the entrance of Lady Blarney and Miss Skeggs0s-sketchea to the life : Mr. Burchall and the lady are both characteristic. The ; incident of Moses and the gross of green spectacles is also well told. - In Sir Launcdot Greaves, CRUIKSHANK has more scope for indulging - his love of the grotesque. Captain Crowe is well conceived; but Sir Launeelot looks too comps mentis.