11. Broken Chains, a poem in four cantos, "by a
Young Eng- lishman," but published at Paris, is a narrative poem, in which a story of love is made to combine with scenes in the late Re- volution, and some points in the history of the CAPETS. .The verse is easy and rapid : the measure is, however, too dancing for nar- ratiVe;. and it is probable that the ear of. the Young Englishman has lost its faniiliarity With the Melody of good English verse. There are paSsuges, however, which are not deficient in force. The heroine is a Norman girl—.
" Her head-dress conical in shape,
Her Plaited frill, her -snow-white cape,
Her velvet bodice neatly laced, Her apron short, with pockets graced, Her crimson kirtle, that conceaI'd
Just half the leg, whilst it reveal The foot and.anldeall.betrayd
A Young and lovely Norman Maid."