OLD BAILEY SESSIONS.-These sessions commenced on Thursday ; on which
day, Daniel Lynch was tried for the murder of the boy Har- rington, on the 28th of February. We noticed the case when it hap- pened. It appeared from the evidence, that Harrington bad, some five minutes before Lynch stabbed him, struck the latter several times. It was also proved that Lynch was subject to fits of insanity-his mo- ther had died in a lunatic asylum. Under these circumstances, and as there seemed to be no premeditation, the jury found him guilty of Manslaughter.
Abigail Moss, a young woman, daughter to a shopkeeper at Poplar, was tried yesterday, for stealing a purse containing XL, belonging to an officer of all Indiaman. The officer went into the shop to purchase a bit of coral; and, as he said, left his purse on the counter. lie missed it in a quarter of an hour afterwards ; but could get no account of it from Mrs. Moss, to whom he made his loss knoWn. A live-pound note was attempted to be traced to the prisoner, as changed at lieehnis and Company's, five or six miles from Poplar, within half an hour or three quarters of an hour after the robbery was said to be committed. Another was described as changed in Oxford Street at nearly the same time. On the side of the prisoner, witnesses were produced to show that she had left her father's shop at ten or eleven o'clock, and Iras in a friend's house at half past two, on the day on which the purse was lost. The Jury found her not guilty.
A convict, named Elizabeth Spice, died of cholera in Milbank Pe- nitentiary on 'Wednesday; this is the second case.