The Italians, like the English, have been at last compelled
to put down obstruction with a sharp band. After scenes of inde- scribable violence, amidst which the President, Signor Colombo, resigned, the Government proposed on Friday week that in future Presidents of the Chamber should have the power of introducing soldiers to expel Members guilty of obstruction. The Extremists, supported by some Tories, hoped to punish this proposal by refusing to re-elect Signor Colombo, but on Monday, the vote being taken by ballot, he was chosen by a large majority. Moreover, the new powers were conferred upon him, and though the Opposition declare that they will not recognise them, they have given up obstruction, and on Tuesday contented themselves with quitting the House in a body,— a futile though dramatic kind of protest. The object- lesson will probably not be lost upon the Austrian and Hungarian Parliaments, and we venture to say that the next Constitution for any free country will contain a, clause dis- franchising any Member who obstructs unless reseated by a three-fourths vote. As is carefully explained elsewhere, the Continental view of obstruction was that it was part of the game ; but the right view, that it is a declaration against representative institutions, is at last making its way. You may just as well kill a man as paralyse him, and obstruction is intended to produce paralysis.