Directories.—the Official Year - Book Of The Church Of...
3s.)—A careful study of this volume will well repay the time spent upon it. At first sight it appears a somewhat repelling mass of names and figures. More closely examined it......
Lighter Moments. Edited By Frederick Douglas How....
2s. ad.)—This volume is made out of a collection of stories made by Bishop Walsh= How. The Bishop himself in giving the original manuscript to the editor, expressed a hope that......
Theology.—martineau's "study Of Religion." By Richard A....
and Co. Is. 6d.)--This is an " analysis and appreciation " of Dr. James Martineau's great book. It is excellently well done, clear and intelligible, and makes a complex and,......
New Dictionary Of Foreign Phrases And Classical...
Percy Jones, B.A. - (C. W. Deacon and Co. 7s. 6d.)—This is as good a book of its kind as we have seen, carefully compiled and made as complete as one could expect. Of course......
Sesoos-books.—the Andromache Of Euripides. Edited By A....
M.A. (Macmillan and Co. 2s. 6d.)—" No apology is needed," Mr. Hyslop thinks, "for the attempt to bring the Andronuiche into the list of Greek plays which are usually read in the......