A Telegram Was Received In London On Monday Announcing The
arrival of Captain Borchgrevink, leader of the Sir George Newnes Antarctic Expedition, at Stewart Island, New Zealand. The chief scientific achievement of the expedition is the......
Dr. St. George Mivart, A Roman Catholic Convert, Well Known
as a biologist and writer on theological topics, died on Sunday after a short illness at the age of seventy-two. He was recently brought before the world through a collision......
The Reactionaries In France Are Strongly Disposed To...
quarrel with Great Britain, their theory being that if the Republic is beaten at sea, as they think it would be, a Monarchy of some sort would be acclaimed by opinion. They......
M. Deimmo, The French Premier, Delivered In The Senate On
Tuesday a still more decided speech. He declared that in the Fashoda affair the end to be attained by defying Great Britain was altogether disproportionate to the effort which......
In View Of The Arrangements Under Which The Scotch Education
Department have been empowered to nominate twelve candidates from Scotch schools for direct com- missions in the Army, Lord Balfour of Burleigh has issued an admirable circular......
The Italians, Like The English, Have Been At Last Compelled
to put down obstruction with a sharp band. After scenes of inde- scribable violence, amidst which the President, Signor Colombo, resigned, the Government proposed on Friday week......
There Was A Remarkable And Significant Scene In St. Paul's
Cathedral on April 3rd, which was crowded when the Arch- bishop of Canterbury preached at the " F. M. Buss Com- memoration." A special service was held in thanksgiving for the......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (21) were on Friday 101+.......