Their Issue Of The 31st Ult., I Regret To Notice
that he in. timates that he will send no further communications on the subject. I regret that he cannot have an opportunity of reiterating them every day until they have......
Professor Mommsen And The " North American Review."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "QPECTkTOR."] DEAR FRIEND,—The " answer " given by Professor Mommsen to Professor Sonnenschein as the justification of his article on the Transvaal War in......
The Late John Bright On War.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —I should have left to others to dispose of an " Old Liberal's" attempt to conjure with dead men's names had he rot added to his list......
Dr. Dale And The Convention Of Pretoria. [to The Editor
OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I have been greatly impressed by the justice of much that has been said in the Spectator on the fact that the pre- sent war is a retribution for our......