The War News Is All Depressing This Week. Neither Lord
Roberts nor Sir R. Buller can move without remounts and supplies, and both are slow in arriving, or rather are required on a scale which involves delay. The Boers, therefore,......
News Of The Week.
• T HE Queen was right not to go on the Continent this year. An attempt to assassinate her, or to inflict any personal insult, would have driven the whole Empire mad with fury,......
For The First Time For Many Months The Centre Of
interest has shifted from South Africa. Since Monday all eyes have been turned to Ireland, where, after an absence of nearly forty years, the Queen is now paying a holiday......
There Was A Long And Serious Debate In The Commons
on Tuesday on the Indian famine. Nominally the question was whether the British people should offer the Indian Treasury a grant-in-aid, but really it was a dispute whether the......
Mr. Rose - Innes Has Again Spoken With Remarkable Force...
on the question of settlement. Addressing his constituents at Claremont yesterday week, he declared that the agitation to secure the retention of independence by the Republics......