On Wednesday, Mr. John Burns addressed his constituents , in the
Battersea Town Hall on the work of the Government.. We have dealt elsewhere with the personal aspects of the speech, but will notice here how staunch and reliable a, supporter the Government have in Mr. Burns. We say this. not to his discredit, but as very much to his credit. It shows that he has the good sense to see that in a country like England, and under free institutions, those who want certain reforms, whether in the labour or any other interest, can best attain them by working through the recognised politica/ machinery. In one particular we are heartily with Mr. Burns. He expressed himself thoroughly against " this city with its thousand years of civic history, being split up into eleven centres, and the splendid spirit which the County Council had placed in the hearts and minds of every Londoner- destroyed." London will, of course, have to remain sub- divided for administrative purposes, but it would be a. thouisand pities to dissipate the civic traditions of the City,. which ought to be the common heritage of all London. Mean. time, we cannot help noting that the crude aggressiveness of the County Council and their headiness have had a good deal to do with the growth of Particularism in the capital.