7 JULY 1894, page 10

We Note With The Greatest Possible Misgiving The...

that the Unionist leaders "have determined to place• before the country their policy in regard to alien immigra. • tion." Lord Salisbury intends, it is said, to introduce a Bill......

On Wednesday, Mr. John Burns Addressed His Constituents ,...

Battersea Town Hall on the work of the Government. . We have dealt elsewhere with the personal aspects of the speech, but will notice here how staunch and reliable a, supporter......

On Monday A Number Of Canadians Dined Together At The

Westminster Palace Hotel to celebrate " Dominion Day,"' —the day of the inauguration of the British North America . Act. The chairman, Sir Charles Tupper, made an interesting......

The Budget Has Practically Got Itself Through, The Last...

vote having been taken on Monday. The clause imposing an extra spirit•duty of 6d. a gallon was then recom- mitted, and carried by a majority of only 198 to 185, a majority of......

The Whole American Union Has Been Greatly Worried This Week

by a kind of rebellion among the railway men. Mr. Pullman's men had struck, and on their applying for aid to the Railway Union, its president, Mr. Debs, "called out" the men on......

The Election For The Attercliffe Division Of Sheffield,...

place on Thursday, has ended in the return of Mr.. Langley, official Gladstonian candidate. The figures are :— Alderman Langley (L.) 4,486 Mr. G. Hill Smith (C.) ... 3,495 Mr.......

The American Tariff Bill Passed The Senate On Tuesday By

39 votes against 34. It has not, however, become law, as the Senate has introduced so many amendments that there must be a conference between the Houses, and discussions extend-......