7 JULY 1894, page 9

The Message Of The New President Was Read To The

two French Chambers on Tuesday. M. Casimir-Perier begins by 'denying that he is of any party. "I belong to France and the Republic." " The weight of responsibility is too heavy......

Iv The .editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


The Funeral Of M. Carnot In Paris On Sunday Is

said to have surprised the most experienced. The circumstances of his death, the fact that he was hated by no party, the character of the ceremonial, at once religious,......

News Of The Week.

XPERTS appear to believe that there will be war between China and Japan for the possession of Corea, the great pemnsulaof eighty-four thousand square miles which stretches out......

All Europe Has Expressed Its Regret At M. Carnot's Death,

but the French appear to have been especially touched by two testimonies of the general good feeling and respect. The German Emperor ordered the release of two French naval......

The Whole American Union Has Been Greatly Worried This Week

by a kind of rebellion among the railway men. Mr. Pullman's men had struck, and on their applying for aid to the Railway Union, its president, Mr. Debs, "called out" the men on......

It Seems To Be Quite Certain That, For The Present,

the French Chamber agrees with M. Casimir-Perier, and is prepared to give him a majority against all shades of Red. It has elected M. Burdeau, whom he most trusts, President of......