The funeral of M. Carnot in Paris on Sunday is
said to have surprised the most experienced. The circumstances of his death, the fact that he was hated by no party, the character of the ceremonial, at once religious, military, and civil, and the beauty of the weather, brought together crowds unex.. ampled either in London or Paris. Two millions of human beings are said to have been in the streets, and as the pro. cession moved from the Elysee to the Pantheon, the huge force of soldiers which lined the streets was seen to be required for other reasons than precaution against the ill- disposed. The President walked alone, and the multitude admired his courage. No hat remained unlifted ; and it is said that the expenditure on flowers sent to honour the deceased was absolutely without a parallel. As M. Carnot had accepted the services of the Church before his death, the great ecclesiastics joined in the ceremonial ; and the speeches made were all marked by a certain gravity of tone, which is perhaps the reason why they were rather deficient in point. The people of course amused themselves while waiting, but respect and feeling were shown by nearly the whole popu- lation. It is to be noted, however, that one or two of the lowest papers justify the murder, and that the police thought it necessary, in order to secure M. Casimir-Perier's safety, to arrest two hundred militant Anarchists.