"unrecognised Dainties."
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Garden-snails are sold under the polite and comfortable name of " Wall-fish," at 3d. or 4d. a quart, all the year round, in the Bristol......
Lopsided Education.
Pro TEE EDITOR OF THE BFROTATOR:a SIR,"-A sentence in your notice of Mrs. Tollemache's "Diderot," opens a curious question. " In these days," you say, " nearly every one who is......
" The Green Bay-tree."
[TO THE EDITOR OP TEE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In the review of " The Green Bay-Tree," which appeared in the Spectator of June 23rd, you say that the authors "are at pains to point......
SONNET. I THINK the immortal servants of mankind, Who, from their graves, watch by how slow degrees` The World-Soul greatens with the centuries, Mourn most Man's barren levity......
The Three-volume Novel. [to The Editor Of Tue "...
Sin,—In the course of some investigations connected with International Copyright enactment, a most important rule or principle as to prices was proved, upon the authority of the......