On Saturday, The Prince Of Wales, On Behalf Of The
Queen, opened the new Tower Bridge "for traffic by land. and water." The City, which built the bridge to some extent to show how munificent and beneficial it can be, took care......
On Monday, At The Central Criminal Court, Mr. Justice...
sentenced Mr. Howell Thomas, the solicitor con. nested with the Townley estate case, to five years' penal servitude. The charge against him was for defrauding by false pretences......
On Monday A Number Of Canadians Dined Together At The
Westminster Palace Hotel to celebrate " Dominion Day,"' —the day of the inauguration of the British North America . Act. The chairman, Sir Charles Tupper, made an interesting......
We Regret To Notice The Death Of Sir A. H.
Layard, who expired on Thursday, in London, in the seventy-eighth year of his age. The son of an English gentleman and a Spanish lady, he early displayed a passion for travel......
It Is Right That We Should Mention That The Conviction
of Sir W. W. Wynn, by the Magistrates of Albrighton, for -cruelty to a horse, has been quashed on appeal to the Shrop- shire Quarter Sessions. That court held, on a careful......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent. New Consols (21) Were On
Friday, 101i.......
The Cork Grand Jury, At The Assizes Held At Ennis
on Tues- day, passed an important resolution in regard to the official police report, which was to the effect that crime was diminishing in the county. They declared that having......
The Interoolonial Conference At Ottawa Has Spent Most Of The
week in discussing the question of the Pacific cable. All the delegates were in theory for the cable, but in practice there seems to have been a strong feeling against the......