Round about the Crooked Spire. By Albert T. Foster, M.A.
(Chapman. and Hall.)—The "Crooked Spire" is the spire at Round about the Crooked Spire. By Albert T. Foster, M.A. (Chapman. and Hall.)—The "Crooked Spire" is the spire at Chesterfield Church, which, whether by accident or design, has a curious eccentricity. "Round about " this interesting object means the region of North-East Derbyshire ; besides Chesterfield itself,
it includes Hardwick Hall, with " Bess of Hardwick," who built it, it may be said, for her life ; Peveril and Cavendish and Staveley many persons and places, in short, that are worth reading about. Mr. Foster has made an attractive book out of this subject. Among the interesting matter is the account of the two rectors of Staveley, James Gisborne and his son Francis. The mere length of their terms of this living is itself a curiosity, which it would not be easy to match. James Gisborne became rector of Staveley in 1715, and Francis died rector in 1821.