READABLE Novsas.—Legions of the Dawn. By Allan /teeth. (T. Fisher
Unwin. 6s.)—The story of a mysterious settlement in Africa, in which women have come to the top and placed men in subjection. —A Poppy Show. By H. B. Marriott Watson. (Methuen and Co. 6s.)—A series of short stories, of which " Tho City of Encounters" and "Sweet Seventeen" are the most amusing.—St. David of the Dust.. By Mrs. Fred. Reynolds. (Hurst and Blackett. 6s.)—A poetical but rather sad story of a Welsh village.—Mr. Tuckerman's Nieces. By Helen Dawes Brown. (A. Constable and Co. 6s.)—An excellent story of life in New England. The three girls are especially well drawn.
Wheels of Anarchy. By Max Pemberton. (Cassell and Co. 6s.)—The title describes the subject. The author's name guarantees sufficiency of excitement.—Matthew Strong. By Mrs. Francis. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. 6s.)—The narrative of the making of a seltmade man.