7 MARCH 1908, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE Times of Friday publishes a letter on its leader page the importance of which it is exceedingly difficult to estimate till further light has been obtained. The episode may......

The Times In Its First Leader Confirms This Statement, And

declares that the letter quoted above will cause a shock of painful surprise and just indignation to the people of this country. The German Emperor, it points out, bolds the •......

The Brussels Correspondent Of The Times Sends News To...

paper of a new development in the negotiations between the Belgian Cabinet and King Leopold as to the annexation of the Congo. On Thursday M. Schollaert laid before the Chamber......

We Feel Very Great Hesitation In Expressing Any Opinion Upon

the incident without knowledge of what was said in the letters. We may point out, however, in the first place, that the Times has taken a very grave responsibility in giving......

Our Last Word For The Present Is To Express A

hope that should the matter not be cleared up, as we still trust it may be, by a satisfactory statement in Parliament, the Press will show proper restraint in its handling of......

*,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
