The National Workshops Of 1848.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."3 SIR,—I cannot imagine that any one who has read M. Emile Thomas's " History of the National Workshops " could pay any serious attention to......
LORD Caonnm's two volumes are valuable in a high degree from the historical side, for they give at first hand a record of events which have profoundly modified the development......
The Problems And Perils Of Socialism.
DEAR Mn. Another scheme for cutting down old-age pensions was suggested by the Nation last summer. It is that no man or woman should be allowed to claim his or her old-age......
Poe Try.
SONG OF THE THRUSH. [AFTER THE WELSH OF RHYS GOCH.] Wrra dawn's rosy beams On the meadow bank green, A rapture far ringing His orisons over, Aroused me from dreams I saw the......