Coins And Medals Of The Knights Of Malta. Arranged And
Described by Canon H. Calleja Schembri, D.D. (Eyre and Spottiswoode. 22 2s. net.)—Canon Schembri briefly describes the origin and growth of the Order, speaks of the coins issued......
Two Educational Handbooks, Both Published By Messrs. Swan...
Co., may be mentioned together. These are The Public Schools Year-Book and Preparatory Schools Year-Book (3s. 6d. net), now in its nineteenth year, and The School Master?......
Airships, Past And Present. By A. Hildebrandt. Traislated...
H. Story. (A. Constable and Co. 10s. 6d. net.)—After four preliminary chapters, highly interesting in their way, we come to the dirigible balloon. One early idea was to utilise......
The Transformed Hinduism. By The Author Of " God The
BeautifuL" 2 vols. (Philip Welby. 55. net.)—Brahmanism, we are told, " has maintained its supremacy in India by its subtle compromising spirit, its universal toleration and......
The London Diocese Book. Edited By The Rev. Glendinning...
(S.P.C.K. ls. 6d.)—This volume contains the usual statistical information as to benefices, clergy, societies, &a. The clergy number about sixteen hundred; and there are to be......
Canadian Constitutional Development. By H. E. Egerton,...
L. Grant, M.A. (John Murray. 105. 6d. net.)—This narrative may be said to begin with the passing of Canada into British hands after the surrender of Montreal (1760) and to end......