Telephones And The State.
[To THE EDITOR Or Tor “ErZoTATOR."1 Srs,—The reviewer of Mr. Meyer's book on "British State Telegraphs" (Spectator, February 29th) is under a complete misapprehension as to......
A Licensing Suggestion.
[To TH1 EDITOR Or TRH "SPECTATOR. : ] SIne—In the closing paragraph of your article on the licensing question published in your issue of February 1st you state what is......
Permanence In Legislation.
[TO TEM EDITOR OP TRH "srEcTATom."] Snt,—Your argument that the bargain made by the State in the matter of liquor licenses must be kept, whether "improvident" or not (Spectator,......
Sweated Industries.—a Remedy.
[To THZ EDITOR Or Till "EPECTLTOZ." . 1 SIR,—We cannot but regret the state of things which induces employers to offer, and compels workers to accept, the miserable pittance,......
The Licensing Bill.
[To SRI EDITOR or " SPECTATOR. ' ] have not noticed in any of the licensing discussions any distinction drawn between a "beer" license and a " wine- and-spirit " license. The......