The Analysed Bible. By the Rev. G. Campbell Morgan. 3
vols. (Hodder and Stoughton. 3s. 6d. per vol.)—The first of these' volumes deals with " Genesis to Esther," the second with the remainder of the Old Testament, the third with the• NO w. We do not say that there is nothing of value in the work, but it promises too much and performs too little. "To analyse the Bible " ! What a task when one comes to consider it ! We cannot say that Dr. Campbell Morgan is equal to it. Here, to take an example of
no special importance, is his comment on Esther. He suggests that the writer was a Persian. " The fact that the name of God is not mentioned would be perfectly natural if the historian were a Persian. Then many things are chronicled without apology which are the customs of a godless nation." Surely this is a somewhat hard phrase. But if anything is clear, it is that the author of Esther was a fanatical Jew. Generally criticism, literary or other, is neglected.