Dogs In Quarantine.
[To THE EDITOR OF rue " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Many of us have read Lady Blomfield's letter in your issue of October 24th with the keenest feelings of just indignation and disgust at......
[TO THY EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:'] SIR,—Yottr very interesting article on " Cross-Correspond- ences " (Spectator, October 31st) as evidence of the activity of " a third mind" "......
Protestant And Roman Catholic Missionaries.
[To TER EDITOR OP TEE " SPECT&TOR."1 Stu,—Tn your very interesting review in last week's issue of Mr. Wollaston's book, "From Ruwenzori to the Congo," the author is shown to......
[to The Editor Op Tuc "8peotator..".1
SIR,—With regard to the letter in your paper of October 24th on " Dogs in Quarantine," I think it right that it should be known that I left two dogs in quarantine at the......