The Churcit And Internal Development.
[To THE EDITOR OF THU " SPECTITOR."1 SIR, —" A Nation without the means of some change is without the means of its conservation." So Burke. Put " Church " instead of " Nation,"......
(to Joseph Conrad.) Is. Men Could Learn What You Ships
know, Leaning along the quay,— Old giants crippled by the loud Wild anger of the sea,— Surging in awe and wonderment The souls of mon would be ! Could you but tell the stately......
Coleridge Cottage Fund.
[TO THE EDITOR OE THE "SPEOT&TOR.1 Stn,—Could you kindly allow me to call your reader's attention to the "Coleridge matinee" which is to be given at the Hay- market Theatre on......
[to The Editor Op Tuc "8peotator..".1
SIR,—With regard to the letter in your paper of October 24th on " Dogs in Quarantine," I think it right that it should be known that I left two dogs in quarantine at the......
Socialism And Savagery
[TO TIER EDITOR Or visa "SPECTATOR:'] Sin,—The following extracts may be commended to the con- sideration of those Members of Parliament and others who favour the schemes of the......
[note.—we Have Received A Communication From F. C....
letter we published on October 21th, calling our attention to the fact that he is a man, not a woman. We regret to have made the mistake in question, but there was nothing to......
Notice.—when Articles Or "correspondence" Are Signed With...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......