[TO THE EDITOR OE THE "SPEOT&TOR.1 Stn,—Could you kindly allow me to call your reader's attention to the "Coleridge matinee" which is to be given at the Hay- market Theatre on Friday, November 13th, for wiping off the debt on the Coleridge Cottage? The memorial cottage at Nether Stowey will, I hope, have a good literary and general reference library attached to it. It will be another literary landmark for Somerset. I enclose details of the performance.—I am, Sir, ace., WILLIAM GICESWELL.
Dodington, Bridgwater.
Through the kindness of Mr. Frederick Harrison the use of the Haymarket Theatre has been granted to Professor Knight that he may arrange a Matinee on Friday, November 13th, 1908, at 3 o'clock, of Readings from the Poems of Coleridge, inter- spersed with Glee-Songs (under the direction of Mr. H. Gregory Mast), set to words by Coleridge, in aid of the Fund for the acquisition of the Poet's Cottage at Nether Stowey for the nation. Tickets can now be obtained at the Haymarket Theatre, from Professor Knight, Malvern, from Mrs. J. D. Falconer, The Limes, Little Berkhamstead, Hertford, and from Miss Baby Cobbett, Merton House, Teddington. The prices of admission will be as follows:—Reserved Seats: Private Boxes, £3 3s. and £4 4e. ; Orchestra Stalls, 10s. 6d. ; Balcony Stalls, Is. 6d.; Upper Circle, 2s. 6d. Unreserved Seats: Pit Stalls, Cis.; Balcony, 5s. ; Pit, 2s. 6d.; Gallery, ls.