7 NOVEMBER 1908, page 14
The Analysed Bible. By The Rev. G. Campbell Morgan. 3
vols. (Hodder and Stoughton. 3s. 6d. per vol.)—The first of these' volumes deals with " Genesis to Esther," the second with the remainder of the Old Testament, the third with......
The Jewish Historical Society Of England : A Presidential...
By the Rev. S. Levy. (Ballantyne and Hanson, Edinburgh.)— Mr. Levy in commending to the Society over which he pre- sides the study of Anglo-Jewish history gives an account of......
Catalogue Of Engraved British Portraits Its The British...
Freeman O'Donoghuo. Vol. I. (British Museum. 21s.)—This first volume includes the letters " A—C" ; four, possibly five, volumes are to follow. Mr. Sidney Colvin prefixes a brief......