Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits its the British Museum. By
Freeman O'Donoghuo. Vol. I. (British Museum. 21s.)—This first volume includes the letters " A—C" ; four, possibly five, volumes are to follow. Mr. Sidney Colvin prefixes a brief account of the British Museum collection, and describes the method of cataloguing. Here are some names from the first few pages : Archbishop Abbott (ten specimens), Sir Ralph Abercromby, John Abernethy (surgeon), Mrs. Abington (actress, 1737-1815, forty- four specimens), Adams (astronomer), Addison (twenty-five specimens), Aikin (physician and author), Ainger (A.), Ainsworth (W. H.), Airy (Sir G.), Akenside, Albemarle (Duke of). There must be two thousand names and four times as many engravings in the volume, to venture on a very rough calculation.—With this we may mention The Libraries of London : a Guide for Students, by Reginald Arthur Rye (University of London).