Though There Has Been No Official Statement In Regard To
the progress of the negotiations which are known to have been proceeding between the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Government on the subject of the Education Bill, there has......
As To Modifications In The Manner Of Government, The Pro-
clamation employs these words :— " From the first, the principle of representative institutions began to be gradually introduced, and the time has come when, in the judgment of......
The Situation In The Near East Has Been Overshadowed I
by the interview, and then by the Casablanca incident. Happily, however, such news as there is cannot be regarded as bad news. Though the Conference cannot be said to have been......
In Berlin On Monday It Was Announced That On The
previous Friday Prince Billow had tendered his resignation, and that the Emperor had refused to accept it. At the same time there was issued through Reuter's Agency an official......
On Monday At Jodhpur Lord Mintz Read In Durbar A
Procla- mation which the King has addressed to the Princes and peoples of India. The occasion was the fiftieth anniversary of the assumption of the government of India by the......
The Two Most Vital Questions Are Concerned, It Would Appear,
with the right of the head-teacher in single-school areas to give, if he or she so desire, denominational teaching, and the power of the local authority to deny the right of......
The Voting In The American Presidential Election Took...
Tuesday, and resulted in a signal victory for Mr. Taft. The complete returns are not yet known, but Mr. Taft has certainly a majority of over a hundred in the Electoral College.......
It Was Announced In Berlin On Tuesday That A Decision
had been taken on the important question of the new Imperial taxation. It is necessary to raise an additional annual revenue of £25,000,000. It is proposed to do this by......