The voting in the American Presidential Election took place on
Tuesday, and resulted in a signal victory for Mr. Taft. The complete returns are not yet known, but Mr. Taft has certainly a majority of over a hundred in the Electoral College. He has carried at least thirty States, nearly all the doubtful States have voted for him, and he has won over at least one which was reputed to be loyally Democratic. His majority is nearly as large as Mr. Roosevelt's. Mr. Bryan, the defeated candidate, is bitterly attacked in some of the Democratic papers. It is generally felt that his political career is over, as he has now been beaten three times for the Presidency. We write of the whole subject elsewhere, and need only say here that Mr. Taft, as Mr. Roosevelt's lieutenant, will of course carry on the policy of public honesty laid down by his chief That is what he has been elected to do, and he will have the good wishes of all English- men in his mission. Mr. Roosevelt has worked bard to gain Mr. Taft's election, and he has succeeded brilliantly. When he leaves the office which he has filled with so much honour be will have the satisfaction of knowing that it will not be Mr. Taft's fault if his "policies" are not put into effect.