The Jewish Historical Society of England : a Presidential Address.
By the Rev. S. Levy. (Ballantyne and Hanson, Edinburgh.)— Mr. Levy in commending to the Society over which he pre- sides the study of Anglo-Jewish history gives an account of what has already been done in this direction. He begins with William Prynne, whose industry and research he praises, with all the more generosity because Prynne was a determined opponent of Cromwell's tolerant policy. After Prynne comes Thomas Madox, and after Madox Bloissiers Tovey, with other names which it is scarcely worth while to enumerate. It is clear that there is much to do in this direction, and we wish Mr. Levy and his friends success. Whether we shall ever get a faithful picture of the mediaeval Jew is doubtful. Shall we ever get such a picture of the dissenters from early Christianity,—of Paul of Samosata and Arius, for instance ?