READABLE Novms. — The Happy Medium, and other Stories. By Charles Marriott.
(Eveleigh Nash. 6s.)—Some of the stories are unconvincing ; one or two needlessly painful; but the reader will find good things.—Leonore Stubbs. By L. B. Walford. (Longmans and Co. 6s.)—A carefully studied picture of life. The art is realistic but effective.—A Daughter of France. By Constance Elizabeth Maud. (Methuen and Co. 6s.)—Jeanne, the young French wife of Sir Archibald Ross, comes home to the house which the Dowager, a Scot of the Scots, still rules. The situation is full of comedy and pathos, and both are well worked. —The Red Stain. By Sir William Magnay. (Ward, Lock, and Co. 68.)—A vigorously told "detective" story.