7 OCTOBER 1916, Page 12



BIR,--A correspondent in the United States has sent this incident to a Toronto paper. I hope you can reproduce it :-

" A party of convivial Germans—more or less hyphenated—met hi a San Francisco café several weeks since to cheer on the Kaiser in his work of regenerating Europe. When the festivities were at their height sad the Imperial War Lord's health had been quaffed In oceans of Rhenish and lager, it seemed a graceful act to mark the eceseion by a message of encouragement to the Crown Prince, which was accordingly despatched to Verdun, France : Go on, Fritz. We are all with you.' Signed by the chairman in behalf of the guests. In due course it came back to the sender, with this significant line across the corner : ' Pas encore arrive a Verdun.' " 72 Spadina Road, Toronto, September 18th.