General Von Bernfiardl
[To THE EDITOR 01 THE " STEOTATOR."] Sin,- -Your correspondent the Rev. T. B. A. Saunders is sadly at sea In identifying General Friedrich von Bernhardi with the distinguished......
Lord Wellesley's •school For Administrators. [to The...
" smerarea.1 - Sna—The very' interesting article on Lord 1Vellcaley'a College at Fart William in your issue of September 9th closes with a sad, but surely unwarranted, regret......
The Petty Official
[TO THE EDITOR OF TER " SPECTATOR.") Sna—Will you allow an ex-Minister to bear testimony from personal experience to the absolute truth of your article in your List issue on "......
The Presidential Election.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:'] 8112,--I think that the enclosed extract from a letter recently written by en Englishman temporarily resident in the United States to a......
Scottish Woodlands And Forests And The Sacrifice Of...
[To s'ax EDITOR OF THE " Era . ..urea.") Sin,--Scotland is being slowly robbed of her woods-one sacrifice to the war to which she has willingly given so much else. But is the......
Recruiting In Ireland. [to The Editor Of Tue " Speotator.1
Sna—The enclosed extract from a Dublin paper of last week may interest your readers. Comment is needless.—I am, Sir, &c., Tirreaslay. " The Freeman's Journal, the official organ......
Letters To The Editor.
THE LIBRARY OF LOUVAIN. ITO THE EDITOS Or rite " SPECTATOR:1 Sra, — The Executive Committee (appointed early in the year at a large representative meeting, with Viscount Bryce,......