A Club For Nurses.
ITO THE EDITOR OP THE " arzerezort:') Snt,—The eyes of the Spectator are always open, and it is possible that this characteristic is true of its readers also. If this be the......
Lad Munition Workers.
ITO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") BIR,—I am starting next week a Lads' Rest for munition workers and others in Birmingham. I should be grateful if any of your readers would......
THE VERDICT OF AMERICA.* THE political mind of the Anglo-Saxon is never really at rest unless he can find a moral basis on which to rest the policy pursued by the country of......
The Study Of History.
ITO THE EDITOR OF THE ."8ezerwroa.") SIR,—Your well-informed and sympathetic article on " What the Public Schools are Doing " would suggest that " public ignorance " on the......
" Bury Or Burn."
THE article under the above heading, dealing with the desecration of beautiful places by the scattering of pieces of paper and other picnio debris, which appeared in our issue......
The G.f.s. And The Single-handed. Ito The Editor Of The
" SPECTATOR.") Snr,—May I correct a misprint in my letter to you in the last number of the Spectator 1 The latest development of the G.F.S. is not craft bases but craft roses.......
The Agenda Club.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Bin,—Ought not the Christian Church to be for each of its members an......
Notice.—ivhen " Correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...
name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communi- cated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the......
The Scottish Women's Serbian Hospital Fund.
WE have received the following additional subscriptions to the above Fund :— £ R. d. £ a. d. Previously acknowledged 45 3 6 Lt.-Col. Pringle .. 1 1 0 Miss Katharine H. Greg 5 0......
THE DISTANT GUNS. NEGLIGENTLY the cart-track descends into the valley ; The drench of the rain has passed, and the clover breathes ; Scents are abroad : in the valley a mist......
" Cheshire " Or " Chester " ?
(TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Sm,—May I point out that Captain Philippe Millet in rendering Cheshire cheese as cheater is not making a slip or coining a " portmanteau "......
Shakespeare And The “ Oxford Dictionary."
[TO THE EDITOR Off TAR " SPECTATOR."] Sae,—In reply to the letter which appeared in your issue of September 23rd, there is no doubt that the Oxford Dictionary was quoting from......