Readable Novnt-a—the Smiler Bunn Brigade. By Bertram...
Stoughton. 2s. 6d. net.)—The Day of Wrath. By Louis Tracy. (W. and R. Chambers. 3s. Gd. net.)—These two books are both concerned with the escape of parties of English people......
The Birds Of Shakespeare. By Sir Archibald Geikie, O.m....
: J. 3IaeLehoss and Sons. 3s. Gd. net.)—In this charming essay the veteran geologist collects Shakespeare's references to birds, of which he names at least fifty species, and......
APRIL FOLLY.• Ma. Sr. Joins Lucas is one of the very best of our short-story writers, to say nothing of his excellent anthologies of French and Italian verse and his graceful......
Napoleon : The Last Fham. By Lord Rosebery. (t. Nelson
and Sons. is. 3d. net.)—Lord Rosebery's able and popular hook on Napoleon at St. Helena has deserved the honour of a cheap reprint. We may perhaps in the near future have to......
Fighting Dirt : The World's Greatest Warfare. By Ernest...
(G. G. Harrap. is. Ed.)—Mr. Hoed, who is a Head-Master at Southend, has written a " hygiene reader " of a distinctly novel kind, which ought, as the Master of Christ's says in a......
• Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column does not necessurild preclude sub:equent review.] Autograph Prices Current. Vol. I. By E. H. Courville. (E. H. Courville, 2.3 Rumsey Road, Brixton. 25s,......
A Bibliography Cf The Works Of Thomas Hardy. By A.
P. Webb. (F. Hollings. Gs. net.)—Mr. Webb has done a useful piece of work in collecting the facts as to Mr. Hardy's published books. It is a wonderful record of industry as well......