7 OCTOBER 1916, Page 31

A Bibliography cf the Works of Thomas Hardy. By A.

P. Webb.

(F. Hollings. Gs. net.)—Mr. Webb has done a useful piece of work in collecting the facts as to Mr. Hardy's published books. It is a wonderful record of industry as well as genius. Mr. Hardy's first novel, Desperate Remedies, appeared in 1871, and, as readers will remember, lie contributed a poem to the Spectator a few weeks ago. Mr. Webb has studied the American issues carefully. He reminds us that Jude the Obscure on its first appearance in Harper's in 1894 was called The Simpletons, and from the seventh chapter onwards received the new title of Hearts insurgent, taking its present name when it came out in book form among the " Wessex Novels," of which Mr. Webb gives a very full description. Mr. Hardy's vigorous " Song of the Soldiers " is reproduced in fac- simile from the MS. dated September 5th, 1914. Mr. Hardy's earliest poem, " Domieilium," was written before 1800 ; it has only been printed for private circulatiOn.