7 OCTOBER 1916, page 26

The End Of A Chapter.

The End of a Chapter. By Shane Leslie. (Constable and Co. Ss. net).— This witty and indiscreet little book is the work of a very young man who, when invalided in hospital, began......

- The Ccedmon Poems. Translated Into English Prose By C.

W. Kennedy. (Routledge. 6s. net.)—Dr. Kennedy of Princeton has made a readable prose version of the Biblical poems in Anglo-Saxon long attributed to the monk of Whitby of whom......

National Power And Prosperity. By Conrad Gill. (t. Fisher...

4s. 6d. net.)—The main idea of this notable little essay is that national power does not promote national prosperity, and that wars waged for economic ends can yield no profit.......

The After-war Settlement Of Ex-service Men In The Oversea...

The After-War Settlement and Employment of ex-Service Men in the Oversee Dominions. Report to the Royal Colonial Institute by Sir Rider Haggard. (Saint Catherine Press. 3d.)—Sir......

The Hidden Scourge.

The Hidden Scourge. By Mary Scharlieb, M.S., M.D. With a Foreword by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London. (C. Arthur Pearson. Is. net.)—Dr. Seharlieb's thoughtful,......

Current Literature..

A SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLISH RURAL LITE. A Short History of English Rural Life. By Montague Foidham. (Allen and Uawin. 3s. Od. net.)--This attempt to reconstruct village life in......

Philips' Large-scale Strategical War Map Of Europe :...

Fifth Edition. (G. Philip. 2s. 6d. net.)—On one large sheet this admirable map, which is clearly printed in colours, shows the Western battle-area from Antwerp to the Swiss......

Hobson's Choke : A Three Actcomedy. By Harold Brighouse....

and Co. 2s. net.)—A play of Lancashire life, cleverly written, and with plenty of the caustic humour peculiar—on the stage —to that county. Four acts of Maggie Hobson's......

Experiences In Hungary.

Some Experiences in Hungary, August, 1914—January, 1915. By Mina Macdonald. (Longmans and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—The feeling of English people towards the Austrian Empire throughout......