The Hidden Scourge. By Mary Scharlieb, M.S., M.D. With a Foreword by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London. (C. Arthur Pearson. Is. net.)—Dr. Seharlieb's thoughtful, temperate, and informing little bock can be warmly commended to the public at large. " One who is not only an experienced surgeon, but a good Christian woman," is, as tho Bishop says, specially qualified to explain the significance of the recent Report of the Royal Commission on Venereal Diseases, on which Dr. Scharlieb herself served. Of "the three great racial poisons," alcohol, tubercle, and syphilis, syphilis is the most potent cause of the shocking infant mortality which we still have to deplore. Dr. Scharlieb insists on the erroneous nature of " the idea prevalent that these diseases are always the result of sin, and that therefore those who suffer from them should be permitted to bear the punishment which they had incurred." Many innocent adults and children are among the sufferers. Dr. Seharlieb's remarks on methods of prevention, and especially on the necessity for the early notification and treatment of cases, deserve careful reading. Synopsis of the Final Report of the Royal Commission on Venereal Diseases. By Douglas White, ALA. (National Council for Combating Venereal Diseases, Kingsway House, W.C. Is. net.)— This summary of the Report, which has an appreciative preface by Lord Sydenharn, the Chairman of the Commission, will be useful to medical men and to those engaged in administrative work, who are just now so busy that they have little time to spare for Blue Books. The National Council, which has issued its first Annual Report describing its organization and the many useful series of lectures which it has already arranged for the troops and for civilians, deserves our thanks for making the Royal Commission's work more easily accessible to the classes for whom it is specially intended.