A letter has been published in Paris "from Constan- tinople,"
containing what professes to be the text of Rustem Pasha's 'telegraphic despatch describing to his Court his interview with Lord Salisbury on the Armenian question. !Lord Salisbury was very curt, and on being assured that the Sultan would not grant the International Commission of Control, said, " ' It is useless to go any further. I have only to repeat to you what I have said,—namely, if your Govern- ment refuses, we shall appeal to the Powers. We shall -demand the assembling of a Congress, and shall apply Article 61 with an International Commission. Now, I beg you to understand that if you continue to offer opposition, this will be the signal for the dismemberment of Turkey.' The tears came to my eyes, and I feel overcome in telegraph- ing to you the account of this painful interview." This is just the document which would be forwarded to Paris to justify the Sultan's complaint about Lord Salisbury's tone +o wards him, and then have been published by a calculated indiscretion, but the Ottoman Ambassador informs Renter that it is apocryphal.