7 SEPTEMBER 1895, page 1

The French Are Beginning To Grow Angry At The Non-success

of the expedition to Madagascar. Every precaution has been taken by General Duchesne to prevent information from the front from reaching Paris ; but nevertheless letters from......

Mr. Kenny Was Returned For The St. Stephen's Green ,division

of Dublin on Monday by a majority of 432 over Mr. Pierce Mahony, his Parnellite opponent. For Mr. William Kenny (Liberal Unionist) there voted 3,325, and for Mr. Pierce Mahony......

A Letter Has Been Published In Paris "from Constan-...

containing what professes to be the text of Rustem Pasha's 'telegraphic despatch describing to his Court his interview with Lord Salisbury on the Armenian question. !Lord......

News Of The Week.

P ARLIAMENT was prorogued on Thursday without the reading of any Queen's Speech,—a most unusual if not unprecedented occurrence. The departure from etiquette was, however,......

The Spaniards Do Not Succeed In Putting Down The Rebellion

in Cuba. There are perpetual conflicts between the troops and the insurgents, in which both sides claim the victory, and probably neither gains it. It would seem, however, that......

The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any...
