Sir H. Fowler On Tuesday Made His Threatened Speech On
Chitral ; but, of course, did not venture to take a division. The effect of his speech was weakened by its form, which was that of a resume of the recent history of Chitral ;......
On Monday, While The Navy Estimates Were Under Discus- Sion,
Mr. Goschen made an important reference to the new- Council for Imperial defence, over which the Lord President of the Council is to preside. The responsibility of the Secre-......
It Must Be Pleasant, In Some Ways, To Be A
Rothschild, but there are drawbacks, especially in France. It is a very short time since an attempt was made to kill Baron Alphonse by an explosive hidden in a letter, and on......
The Archbishop Of Canterbury Evidently Thought It His...
say something on that great yearning for unity to which the Pope's letter to the English people had testified as one of the great signs of the present time. But we do not think......
'''' . 1'hiithirty-eighth Anniversary Of The Death Of...
on Thursday by a harangue from Mr. Frederic Harrison deAvered with due solemnity, though it appears to as the • anniversary of the close of a life which has never exerted any......
The Second Of September Was Celebrated Throughout...
in Berlin, as the twenty-fifth anniversary of Sedan. The Government greatly encouraged the festival, and the only discordant note was struck by the Socialists, who sent a......
Cannot The India Office Get Out Of Its Habit Of
dealing with the figures of three years ? It complicates the Budget speech almost beyond bearing. What people want to know is how much was spent and received last year, and how......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.
New Consols (2) were on Friday, 107.1. a......