Prom the Exile to the Advent. By the Rev. William Fairweather. (T. and T. Clark, Edinburgh.)—This is a volume of the series of -" Hand-books for Bible Classes and Private......
Odd Bits Of History. By Henry W. Wolff. (longmans.)—if Load
Acton is to be believed, there are many more blank spaces than occupied spots in history. But this is not Mr. Wolff's idea in putting together this volume, a reprint of papers......
Studies In Oriental Social Life. By H. Clay Trumbull, D.d.
(Hodder and Stoughton.)—Dr. Trumbull makes a contribution of considerable interest and value to a study which is of prac- tically unlimited extent, the illustrations of the......
The History Of The Australian Colonies. By Edward Jenks,...
(Cambridge University Press.)—This handy and admirable volume, which forms one of the "Cambridge Historical Series," edited by Mr. G. W. Prothero, will be found of great service......
Lights And Shadows Of Church Life. By John Stoughton, D.d.
(Hodder and Stoughton.)—We may be permitted to congratulate Dr. Stoughton on the intellectual vigour which enables him at an age so advanced—" eighty-seven," he tells us in his......