Calendar Of State Papers. — Venetian, Vol. Viii., 1581 -...
F. Brown. (Eyre and Spottiswoode.)—This, the eighth volume of the Venetian State papers, which relate to English affairs, has a peculiar interest of its own. It covers the......
The Magazines.
THE magazines are very dull this month. In the Nineteentla Century the post of honour is given to the Hon. Mr. Justice Ameer Ali, who, in a very ably written paper, controverts......
Current Literature.
The Exploration of Australia. By Albert F. Calvert. (George Philip and Son.)—In this handsome quarto, dedicated to the Marquis of Ripon, the late Colonial Secretary, Mr. Calvert......
Messrs. Archibald Constable Send Us Sundry Volumes Of...
of the "Favourite Edition" of the "Waverley Novels," with "all the original notes and vignettes." The volumes published up to date (August) are eleven in number, and include......
The History Of The Australian Colonies. By Edward Jenks,...
(Cambridge University Press.)—This handy and admirable volume, which forms one of the "Cambridge Historical Series," edited by Mr. G. W. Prothero, will be found of great service......