8 APRIL 1899, Page 1

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The Tzmes of Thursday publishes a most interesting tele- gram from. Vienna giving Prince Bismarck's views upon Pan-Germanism as developed to a visitor—not named— at Friedrichsruh. The old Chancellor held that as long as the German element was predominant in Austria, which it would be if it allied itself with the Magyars and both treated the Slays well, Pan-Germanism would remain a danger for Germany. She must have an Austrian alliance to protect her from a combined attack by Russia and France. The addition of eight million Germans would be dearly purchased by the hostility of twenty million more Slays. Moreover, the eight millions would be Catholic, would increase the power of Southern and Catholic Germany, and would perhaps make of Vienna the capital .of the Germ Empire. That is an obviously statesmanlike opinion, ; but, will the given data con- tinue to exist ? It looks as if the Germans might cease to dominate Austria, and might 'abandon Catholicism. Herr Wolff, the leader of the Pau-Germans of Austria, was last week baptised a Protestant, with his whole family, aid is consequently denounced in the Catholic Press as " a servant of Satan." His conversion is important as a symptom indicating that the Catholic Germans of Austria will accept a

Protestant leader. •