8 APRIL 1899, page 1

All Through The Depositions Are Traces Of Evidence That The

War Department "managed" the different trials, influenced witnesses, and were intent on preventing any clearance of Dreyfus, but the motive, whether for making him a'scapegoat,......

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The Tzmes of Thursday publishes a most interesting tele- gram from. Vienna giving Prince Bismarck's views upon Pan-Germanism as developed to a visitor—not named— at......

Lord Curzon On The 6th Inst. Made A Speech To

the representa- tive Mahommedans of the Punjab which is of some interest. He acknowledged the greatness of the Mussulman Empire now ended, but thought men of that faith might......

News Of The Week.

T HE Figaro has obtained, apparently by purchase froM a . lady, acopyof the carefullyguarded depositions made before the Court . of Cessation. They excite great attention in......

The. St. Petersburg Correspondent Of The Times Forwards...

the great Siberian Railway which will in four years'. time connect . St. Petersburg with Port Arthur will pay from the very first. It is producing trade wherever it goes. The......

A Preposterous Importance Continues To Be Given To The...

in Samoa, a trumpery group in the Pacific of twelve hundred square miles and forty thousand people ;,but it is reported this week that the three Governments concerned— London,......

*.* The Editors Cannotandertake To Return Manuscript, In...
