8 APRIL 1899, page 3

On Friday, March 31st, A Conference Was Opened At Leeds

composed of members of local bodies (men and women) who were also either Socialists or belonged to the Labour party. At the first meeting Mr. Sidney Webb, who presided, gave the......

Mr. Leonard Courtney Addressect His Constituents At Lan- .

drake on Wednesday evening. Discussing the figures as to national expenditure, he re minded his hearers that in the year 1868 Mr. Bright• said a Government deserved a vote of......

The Bulletins From New York Are Full Of A Wedding

to which the local journals give pages of description. The bride- groom is Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt, son of the well-known millionaire ; and the bride, Miss Virginia Fair, the......

Mr. Rudyard Kipling, Whose Recovery We Are Glad To Note

seems to have no drawbacks, was well enough on Sunday last to write a letter to the American papers, in which he asked to be allowed to " attempt some acknowledgment of the......

The Daily Mail Of Thursday States That The Egyptian...

has under consideration the making of a railway from Suakin to Kassala, and thence to Khartoum. We trust that they may be able to see their way to sanctioning such a line. The......

On Thursday, At Wolverhampton, Sir Henry Fowler Delivered...

address to his constituency. After a generous tribute to the late Mr. Tom Ellis, he dealt with the qUeStion of national finance. We cannot follow_ him in detail, but may note......

Mr. Tchertkoff's Article In The Fortnightly, Noticed In...

contains a passage on the labour troubles in Russia which is curiously borne out by the Times correspon- dent in St. Petersburg. " The factory workmen of Russia," writes Mr.......

Bank Rate, 8 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday 110.......