8 APRIL 1899, Page 3

The Daily Mail of Thursday states that the Egyptian Government

has under consideration the making of a railway from Suakin to Kassala, and thence to Khartoum. We trust that they may be able to see their way to sanctioning such a line. The advantages to be gained from its construction are very great. In the first place, it brings the Soudan within reach of the sea, and would enable us in case of emergency to bring troops from India with ease and rapidity. Next, it will open up a fertile district. The hill country between Suakin and Kassala is rich and well watered. Lastly, it will enable us to tap the trade of Abyssinia and to use Kassala, which is some 2,000 ft. above the sea, as a sanatorium for our troops. At Kassala, too, we should be able to raise regiments of mountaineers who may become the Ghoorkas of our Egyptian and Soudanese dominion.