8 APRIL 1899, page 2

Mr. Leonard Courtney Addressect His Constituents At Lan- .

drake on Wednesday evening. Discussing the figures as to national expenditure, he re minded his hearers that in the year 1868 Mr. Bright• said a Government deserved a vote of......

The Irish Unity Conference, Which Met In Dublin On Tuesday,

was only attended by some fifty Anti-Parnellite Members, the Parnellites (except Mr. Harrington, who is a sort of free lance, and Mr. O'Kelly) refusing to come to the meeting.......

Lord Curzon On The 6th Inst. Made A Speech To

the representa- tive Mahommedans of the Punjab which is of some interest. He acknowledged the greatness of the Mussulman Empire now ended, but thought men of that faith might......

Last Saturday President Kruger Visited Johannesburg And...

of some seven thousand people gathered on the Union ground. The principal part of his speech dealt with the franchise question. He would not, he said, be worthy to be the head......

The American Commander, General Otis, Has Issued A...

the Filipinos declaring the intentions of the Americans in regard to the future of the islands. It declares (1) that the supremacy of the United States will be enforced......

The Liberal Party Has Sustained A Great Loss In The

death of Mr. Thomas E. Ellis, M.P. for Merioneth, at the early age of forty. He died, at Cannes, of brain fever supervening on great weakness caused by a severe attack of......

In A Letter To Tuesday's Times The Duke Of Rutland

makes some suggestions that are worth the consideration of the Government. He points out that after Parliament has created some thirty municipalities, with Mayors and Alder- men......