8 APRIL 1899, Page 2

The Irish Unity Conference, which met in Dublin on Tuesday,

was only attended by some fifty Anti-Parnellite Members, the Parnellites (except Mr. Harrington, who is a sort of free lance, and Mr. O'Kelly) refusing to come to the meeting. The net result of the proceedings was that a resolution was adopted expressing the willingness of the Conference to enter into negotiations with the Parnellites. Mr. Dillon, who was the principal speaker, read a document which laid down -the- principles of reunion, the chief of which were adopted by the meeting. The first was : " All Irish Nationalists to be united in one party on the principles and constitution of the Parnellite party." But though this seems promising at first sight, we very much doubt whether the Redmondites will agree to fusion, for fusion would mean their being swamped by their late opponents. It is more probable that Mr. Redmond and his colleagues will play for the bigger stake; and see if they cannot induce the Irish people to, ostracise "the betrayers of Parnell," and to follow only the men- who remained faithful to their chief.